The Geospecial Podcast is live!
Listen to the first episodes now
Tieme de Jonge
Podcasting. Everyone is doing it these days. And if you don’t, you listen to a podcast. And that’s not surprising, because there are so many interesting topics to listen to and talk about. But we were missing a podcast about the geoworld. So why not start one ourselves?
Therefore, we would like to welcome you to The Geospecial Podcast, the geo podcast presented by IMAGEM! We invite interesting guests and talk about all things geo. With a new guest and a new theme in every episode. From context-aware digital twins to digital transformation, but also leadership in the geo profession and the vision of young professionals in an old profession.
In this first episode of the Geospecial Podcast, we talk to Bart de Lathouwer, architect for Open Urban Digital Twins and employed by Geonovum and the Municipality of Rotterdam. Together with colleagues Tieme de Jonge and Niels van de Graaf, we talk about the Digital Twin concept, its many applications, what it is, what it is not and what you can do to get started with a digital twin.
You can listen to the podcast via Spotify, our website or via the RSS feed.